Back to Nicaragua!

We made it back to Nicaragua after 4 months in the the states, mostly in our Vancouver home with our daughter's family. This was the longest extended stay in States since moving to Nicaragua in 2002. Blame the grand kids. Blame conferences. Blame family issues. Doesn't matter,  it was one of the best summers we have had in years.

PDX famous carpet.

I'm going to break our debrief up into a few different stories to avoid a long post. Suffice it to say, this was a busy summer. I attended two conferences related to our mission activities. We moved my mom, who has dementia, back to Vancouver, where we (her children) can visit her and assist her when needed. We provided daycare to our grandson throughout his summer vacation, which proves to be more enjoyable year after year.
Waiting in the Houston's Goerge Bush airport has become a semi annual routine for us.

Summer trips home also provide opportunities to go camping, visit other family members, reconnect with our home church (Vancouver Vineyard), and to do repairs and maintenance on our rental properties (our primary income source).

View of Volcano Momotombo as we descend into Managua.
We love our life as missionaries/retired folks living in a developing country trying to help others. we also love our family and friends that we have in Vancouver and throughout the US. I will touch on a few of this summer's experience in following posts. For now, let me just say, we had a great summer, learned tons, and returned to Nicaragua refreshed. There is a bunch we miss already, namely a 7 year old boy and 4 year old girl we call our grand kids. Its nothing that video messenger can't soften the distance a little. stay tuned.
Our two favorite kids in the whole wide world.


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