Summer of 2019: Friends and Soccer

This past summer could also be called the Summer of Soccer. In case you didn't already know, I am a huuuuuuge Portland Timber fan. But living out of the country makes it unrealistic for me to be a ticket holder. I'm usually only in Vancouver/Portland for a portion of the season. Not to worry, I have one of the best friends ever in AJ Gomez. AJ is a ticket holder and this year he invited me to about 9 home games. I was able to make six of them. It was amazing. I had such a great time. AJ always invites his friends and clients to the games, so I was able to make new friends as well as reconnect with some old friends.
AJ and I, with photobomber Mike Shanaburger.

AJ and I go back to 1970 when we played soccer together for the Our Lady of Lourdes Pioneers.we played soccer together in club soccer for the next 8 years. AJ attended Hudson Bay High School and I went to Columbia River. Back in those days we didn't have High School soccer as a school sport, so we played club soccer, practicing 2-3 times a week at Delta Park. Although we were not "best friends" we were good friends, carpooling to PDX to play soccer, once we were old enough to drive. We connected as players. Once in college I scored a hat trick for University of Portland. I think AJ assisted every goal. We could read each other really well on the field.
AJ and Eric and me!!!

AJ went on to be an all West Coast conference defender for the UP Pilots. I got injured in my freshman year and had to drop out, eventually entering the Air Force. But AJ has always considered me a member of the fraternity and team that he was a part of. Most summers AJ has invited me to a few games as the opportunity comes up, but this year because of the Timbers schedule, I was abler to get a ton of invites. I really enjoyed it, especially the midweek games. $2.00 hot dogs!!!  LOL.

Thank you AJ for being such a great friend and making it possible for me to hang out with you and watch my favorite team play. We didn't get too far into the playoffs, but we had a good time getting there.


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